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Rehabilitation Center

For many animals, the discomfort from a surgical procedure or injury unfortunately does not go away quickly and, as a result, they live in a great deal of pain and discomfort. At Campbellford Veterinary Services, we use various rehabilitation techniques to help our patients recover from injury or surgery, increase mobility and improve flexibility, as well as lose weight and increase fitness level. We treat everyone from the canine athlete or working dog, to the sedentary couch potato, to the senior pet coping with arthritis that threatens their comfort and mobility.

Dr. Gwen is a certified canine rehabilitation practitioner, one of only a handful in Ontario. She is qualified to apply a range of rehabilitation and pain management techniques to help your pet enjoy a more comfortable life. She will integrate manual therapies, acupuncture, home and in-clinic exercise programs, and many of the modalities below – to get your pet on the road to recovery.

Therapeutic laser treatments are available to increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain to injured bones, muscles and tendons, including arthritic joints. The treatment is painless and many pets find it relaxing. Light energy is delivered to the cells in the treatment area. The metabolism of these cells is stimulated, allowing for faster healing times, formation of new blood vessels serving the tissues, and release of pain-relieving endorphins.

Therapeutic ultrasound treatments warm tissues and can help to improve the pet’s ability to move comfortably. This treatment is often followed by stretching and massage. Electrotherapy is available in several formats. Electrical current is delivered by electrodes at comfortable levels. (The first patient Dr. Gwen treated this way was fond of falling asleep and snoring during treatments!). Beneficial effects include pain relief, reduction in swelling, muscle strengthening, and slowing muscle atrophy in patients who are not able to use the limb due to injury.

Yes, dogs can learn to walk or run on a treadmill. Treadmill exercise is used for conditioning and weight loss in mobile pets. Those recovering from injury, or with reduced ability to walk can be supported over the treadmill with a comfortable lift system holding much of their body weight. This allows them to concentrate on relearning normal motion without fear of falling.  In 2014, we added an underwater treadmill.  The warmth and buoyancy added by the water allows patients to exercise even if they cannot do it on land.

Therapeutic exercise programs are customized for each patient. These exercises are designed to build strength, increase range of motion, and restore normal function in pets with neurologic and orthopedic conditions. The exercises may involve exercise balls, obstacles, stairs, or other apparatus, or just the client and their pet. Home versions of these exercises are also assigned to maximize the benefits.

Rehabilitation patients have special needs. To meet these needs we offer rehabilitation boarding services. Patients may use day-boarding, where they spend most of the day at the clinic, allowing multiple treatments throughout the day, before returning home for the evening. In cases where caring for the pet at home, early in recovery, is difficult for the client, overnight rehabilitation boarding is available. This is also helpful for r